
NIOS Date Sheet, October – November 2010

NIOS Date Sheet October – November 2010

Instructions for Secondary and Sr. Secondary Exam

The candidates are required to bring their own typewriters for Typewriting and Stenography Examinations as per datesheet. Typewriting Stenography Examinations will be conducted in accordance with the Guidelines issued to the Centre Superintendents by the NIOS.

Practical Examinations in Science/Science & Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Secretarial Practice, Home Science, Word Processing (English), Mass Communication, b Science and Painting will be held at the same Examination Centre where candidates will appear for theory examination; unless otherwise notified.

Practical Examination will be conducted as per the above schedule. Since practical examination are being conducted in small batches of students, candidats are advised to contact the Centre Superintendent well before the dates of practical for taking specified date as well as batch allotted to them.

For Practical Examinations the candidates at a centre will be divided in required number of batches according to the capacity of the laboratory and as per rules in consultation with the Examiner(s) concerned by the Superintendent of the Centre.

The result of examination is likely to be declared in 6 weeks after the last date of the examination No enquiries about the actual date of declaration of result will be attended to. A copy of the relevant portion of the result will be communicated to the Accredited Institutions immediately after declaration of results and will be available on the Internet also on NIOS website

The Mark-Sheet, Provisional Certificate and Migration-cum-Transfer Certificate will be issued to the successful candidates through their respective AIs. In case of direct registrants/and candidates from cancelled AIs the documents will be sent to them by post at their residential addresses available at NIOS by the concerned Regional Centre. In the case of candidates whose required subjects are yet to be cleared will receive the mark-sheet only.

There will not be any change in the dates of the examination.

The Examination fee paid by the candidates entitle them to appear in practical and theory examination, if otherwise eligible, without having to pay anything extra at the examination centre.

Instructions for Vocational Exam

Practical Examinations in all the Vocational Courses will be held at the same Study Centre (AVI) where the candidate has taken admission.

Practical Examinations will be conducted during or after theory papers and has to be completed within a week from the completion of Theory Examinations except Typewriting & Shorthand. The practical exam. for Typewriting & Shorthand will be held as per the Date-Sheet issued by NIOS. The Date(s) of practical exam.(s) for rest of the Vocational Subjects are to be fixed by the Coordinator of the AVI in consultation with the Examiners approved by the National Institute of Open Schooling during the above period.

For Practical Examinations, the candidates at a centre will be grouped in required number of batches according to the capacity of the laboratory/workshop in consultation with the Examiner(s) concerned by the Coordinator of the AVI. The dates so fixed should be announced well in advance by the Coordinator of the AVI. Candidates may confirm the dates from the Coordinator of the AVI concerned.

The candidates should obtain detailed instructions from the Coordinator of the AVI, well in advance, about the modalities of the conduct of the practical examinations and also obtain clear instructions as to the TOOLS/KIT/CONSUMABLE MATERIALS/THEORY-PRAC­TICAL RECORDS etc. to be brought by them for the practical examinations. The candidates are required to bring their own typewriters for Typewriting & Shorthand Examinations as per the date-sheet.

The result of examinations is likely to be declared in 8 to 10 weeks after the last date of examination. No queries about the actual date of declaration of results will be entertained. The result will also be available on the NIOS website soon after its declaration. Copy of the relevant portion of the result will be provided to the Accredited Vocational Institutions immediately after the declaration of results. The Marks Statements and the Passing Certificates of the candidates will be made available through the concerned AVI.

The examination fee paid by the candidates entitles them to appear in practical and theory examinations, if otherwise eligible, without having to pay anything extra at the AVI/Examination Centre. There will not be any change in the dates of examinations.


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